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Topics: Science, technology

At Elmia, Wesselka Mandowa, CMF Lead Designer at BMW Group Designworks in Los Angeles, will showcase the project inspired by new technologies from the US and Europe.

Sustainability and innovation define the future interior design of BMW vehicles

Research, innovation, and moonshot thinking. That's what has led Designworks, A BMW Group Company to open doors to new materials and technologies that will reshape the entire automotive industry. This year, BMW Design is exhibiting at Subcontractor InnoDex and showcasing its concept seats, Infinite Loop and Grown Innovation, two innovative projects working towards promoting sustainability...

The industry of the future is shaped at Elmia Subcontractor. This is where the major issues were tackled, and the hottest topics for the manufacturing industry discussed.

Elmia Subcontractor 2022 turned challenges into sustainable opportunities

Sustainability, energy efficiency and greater competitiveness through collaboration. Elmia Subcontractor highlighted the world’s most pressing challenges, in a time of global upheaval. All to ensure that, together, we can find the right solutions for the future and boost the competitiveness of Swedish manufacturing.

Peter Dahl, Program Director at NEVS, talked about the changing face of mobility at Elmia Subcontractor, and what opportunities and challenges this entails for today’s suppliers.

Future automotive industry will demand sustainable suppliers

Sustainability, energy efficiency and greater competitiveness through collaboration. Elmia Subcontractor highlights the industry’s key issues, backed by the leading experts in the sector – such as how the mobility solutions of the future create new opportunities for today’s suppliers.

Active customer contact before, during and after the fair is key. Lesjöfors prepares the customer meeting a full year before Elmia Subcontractor, says Exhibition Coordinator Henrik Berner.

The life-saving spring in airbag bicycle helmets

The airbag bicycle helmet is worn like a collar and deploys in 0.1 seconds, providing superior protection against head injuries. The third generation of Hövding is now here – fitted with wire detail and a leaf spring from Lesjöfors.

Leax see business opportunities with Subcontractor Connect

Leax see business opportunities with Subcontractor Connect

Are you looking for a supplier? Or a company to supply to? Then Subcontractor Connect is the arena for you. “Rather than having to browse through a fair guide, Elmia now offers new business opportunities on the actual exhibition floor,” says Lars Gustafsson, Senior Commodity Manager at Leax Group.

Sustainable materials and 3D move into vehicle production

Sustainable materials and 3D move into vehicle production

Sustainable materials and 3D printing are now becoming a significant presence in vehicle manufacturers’ production chains. It is a transformation that has barely begun, says German innovation guru Dr Sascha Peters.

Vernetzte Produkte bilden Schwerpunkt der Elmia Subcontractor

Vernetzte Produkte bilden Schwerpunkt der Elmia Subcontractor

Auf der Elmia Subcontractor hält das Internet der Dinge Einzug in die Fertigungsindustrie. In der neuen „Inspirationsarena“ der Messe wird eine Kombination von Ausstellern und spannenden Vorträgen die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der vernetzten Technik in den Mittelpunkt rücken.