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Topics: Data, Telecom, IT

Glitched and Elmia in a new collaboration launch a new gaming festival. In the picture from left; Tomas Lyckedal, Glitched, Anna-Karin Zinnerfors, Business Area Manager Elmia, Agne Bengtsson, CEO Elmia, Martin Öjes and Christoffer Melin, Glitched.

Glitched sets eyes on breaking new LAN records at Elmia

Today we are launching Glitched – a brand new gaming festival with a focus on developing and pushing the boundaries of the LAN experience of the future. The first event takes place at Elmia in Jönköping, Sweden, 13-16 June 2025.

Sustainable materials and 3D move into vehicle production

Sustainable materials and 3D move into vehicle production

Sustainable materials and 3D printing are now becoming a significant presence in vehicle manufacturers’ production chains. It is a transformation that has barely begun, says German innovation guru Dr Sascha Peters.

Connected water taps optimise usage

Connected water taps optimise usage

Subcontractor IoT Arena is back on the trade fair floor with new, exciting IoT cases to inspire visitors. Last year’s successful event has been developed and expanded, with the aim of giving manufacturing companies concrete ideas about how to digitalise their products for a smarter future.

Vernetzte Produkte bilden Schwerpunkt der Elmia Subcontractor

Vernetzte Produkte bilden Schwerpunkt der Elmia Subcontractor

Auf der Elmia Subcontractor hält das Internet der Dinge Einzug in die Fertigungsindustrie. In der neuen „Inspirationsarena“ der Messe wird eine Kombination von Ausstellern und spannenden Vorträgen die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten der vernetzten Technik in den Mittelpunkt rücken.