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The Iron Knight at Elmia Lastbil

Volvo opened with a world premiere

The Iron Knight. That’s what Volvo Trucks has chosen to call the world’s fastest truck. The powerful beast had its world premiere at Elmia Lastbil. “We’re very proud to unveil it here at Elmia,” says Hans Börjesson, head of Volvo Trucks in Sweden.

Enthusiast Anders Andersson behind the wheel of the oldest truck in Elmia Lastbil’s Veteran Truck Hall – a Scania-Vabis from 1913.

Veteran truck hall a real gem

A whole hall dedicated to the history of trucks. That’s what veteran truck devotee Anders Andersson and his friends could present at Elmia Lastbil. The space was packed with trucks from bygone times. “All in all we exhibited 53 vehicles – the most we’ve had since we started here in 2010,” he said.

TU is a new auto tensioner for securing cargo made by ExTe. It is shown here by sales rep Ulf Göransson.

A tensioner for all heavy loads

Elmia Lastbil advertises itself as the home of intelligent solutions. One Swedish company to answer that call was ExTe Fabriks AB. During the fair the company promoted its new compact TU automatic tensioning device. “It’s a product that makes everyday life easier for the user,” explains ExTe representative Ulf Göransson.

Die Elmia Wood ist selbstverständlich der Platz für die neuesten Innovationen rund um den Wald, die bereit sind, auf den Markt und in die Welt zu kommen.

Elmia Wood: Der Riese wächst noch weiter

​Einmal mehr legt die größte Forstfachmesse der Welt die Messlatte für internationale Messen der Branche noch etwas höher. In einem Jahr ist es endlich wieder Zeit für die Elmia Wood, die dieses Mal noch mehr Platz bieten wird, um alle Neuheiten für die gesamte Logistikkette zu präsentieren, von der Pflanzung bis zur industriellen Verarbeitung.

Neuer Verantwortlicher für die Forstmessen von Elmia

Neuer Verantwortlicher für die Forstmessen von Elmia

​Jakob Hirsmark wird neuer Verantwortlicher für die Forstmessen von Elmia, darunter die weltgrößte internationale Forstmesse Elmia Wood, die alle vier Jahre in den Wäldern südlich vom schwedischen Jönköping stattfindet. Jakob Hirsmark tritt seine neue Position im Laufe des Februars an.

Industry seeking a Nordic transport plan

Industry seeking a Nordic transport plan

Establish a Nordic transport plan. That was the clear message from the sector during Wednesday’s key seminar at Elmia Future Transport, Industry’s Vision for Better Transport in the Nordic Region. “The national transport plans only extend as far as the borders – and barely that,” said Are Kjensli, Director of NHO Logistics and Transport.

Siyuan wants to speed up the process

Siyuan wants to speed up the process

​The process is far too slow. This is according to Yu Xing, Chief Engineer at Siyuan’s International Business department – and he is of course talking about high-speed tracks in Sweden. “We could build them in five years,” he says.

Passenger focus increasingly important

Passenger focus increasingly important

​Buses, routes and keeping to a tight timetable have always been the main priorities. But during the seminar entitled Who owns the relationship with the passenger?, the focus was firmly on the customer. - Once we’ve expanded public transport as far as possible, the industry is quite widely agreed that the next step is customer orientation,” said Henrik Dagnäs, Head of Marketing at Nobina.

Key seminars broadcast live

Key seminars broadcast live

This year, Elmia is broadcasting its key seminars live online for anyone who can’t be in Jönköping.

New products with added value

New products with added value

Splendor Plant presented its new First Edition series at Elmia Garden. Grown in a plum-coloured pot, the bright, beautiful plants in lovely colours are equally well suited to public spaces and private gardens.

Organic is a growing trend in the seed business

Hobby growers who start from seed are increasingly interested in using organic seeds. Ideally the plants can be grown on balconies and then eaten. This was one of the major trends presented by Impecta Fröhandel at Elmia Garden.

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