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Growing plants at home is trendy

Growing plants at home is trendy

Nelson Garden launched a world first at Elmia Garden. Called Easy to grow, it is a starter kit with everything in one package for growing tomato, lettuce and cabbage seedlings.

Marcel Jansen helps companies to create inspiration

Marcel Jansen helps companies to create inspiration

Marcel Jansen is a marketing consultant with a passion for retail and horticulture. He knows how to transform a shop containing individual products into a space filled with feeling and context. This makes him a source of inspiration and a trends expert who is consulted by many companies.

Dutch exhibitors test the Swedish market

Dutch exhibitors test the Swedish market

A trade fair is a good venue for getting a feel for a new market and testing it out. Sometimes that process is easier when it’s shared. This approach was used by the Dutch company Greenn in its joint stand, where four different companies exhibited together for the first time.

Greater opportunities with internationalisation

Greater opportunities with internationalisation

Will there be more business opportunities? Is the degree of innovation increasing? And what benefit can the Nordic construction industry draw from the increasing internationalisation? These questions will be answered during Elmia Nordic Road at the key seminar Nordic Civil Works in an International Perspective.

Tramways gaining ground in Nordic region

Tramways gaining ground in Nordic region

Tramways are the way forward for urban transport. Finland, Denmark and Norway are already far advanced with new projects – but Sweden is lagging behind. Tomorrow, the Nordic experts will be gathering at Elmia Nordic Rail to discuss the unique potential that tramways offer for city transport.

Erfolgreiche Premiere der Forest Romania

Erfolgreiche Premiere der Forest Romania

60 internationale und rumänische Hersteller sowie Händler präsentierten vom 16. bis 18. September 2015 ein umfangreiches Angebot rund um die professionelle Waldbewirtschaftung auf dem Ausstellungsgelände in Zizin (Transsilvanien) – Aussteller und Besucher sehr zufrieden.

Stabiele groei in Scandinavische tuinbranche

Stabiele groei in Scandinavische tuinbranche

Steeds meer mensen in de Scandinavische landen kopen planten en bomen bij tuincentra of kwekerijen en decoreren hun serre op diverse manieren. Tijdens Elmia Garden, dé vakbeurs voor iedereen die zich met tuincentra, kwekerijen en tuinproducten bezighoudt, is deze sterke en stabiele groei duidelijk merkbaar.

​Elmia ja DLG järjestävät uudet metsämessut Transilvaniassa

​Elmia ja DLG järjestävät uudet metsämessut Transilvaniassa

Nyt Elmia ja DLG ovat yhdistäneet voimansa ja suunnitelleet uuden, Romaniassa järjestettävän metsäalan suurtapahtuman. Ensimmäiset Forest Romania ‑messut ajoittuvat vuoden 2015 syyskuuhun, ja niillä nähdään koneita ja tekniikkaa metsätöissä.