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Siyuan wants to speed up the process

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Siyuan wants to speed up the process

The process is far too slow. This is according to Yu Xing, Chief Engineer at Siyuan’s International Business department – and he is of course talking about high-speed tracks in Sweden.
“We could build them in five years,” he says.

China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group has built more than half of the total high-speed rail network in China – that’s around 8,300 kilometres of high-speed track primarily in the country’s eastern parts. For a while now, Siyuan has also been looking at the possibility of building future high-speed tracks in Sweden.

“I think it’s a good idea for Sweden to bring in international companies to build the high-speed tracks. At Siyuan we have the right knowledge and experience of such projects,” Yu Xing explains.

Siyuan opened a department for high-speed tracks back in the 1980s. Its first track opened to traffic in 2008 after a construction period of about three years.

“Sweden can of course build high-speed tracks on its own, but we know how complex the process is and what aspects need to be considered.”

Yu Xing says that Siyuan wants to build high-speed tracks by co-operating with all the parties involved, and he also emphasises that his company would obviously comply with Swedish law. In many ways this is why the company is exhibiting at Elmia Nordic Rail – to learn more about Sweden and the Swedish market.

“We want to know more about Swedish projects and what opportunities there are for international companies to be a part of them. By attending the trade fair, we can establish a name in Sweden while also forging contacts with Swedish companies.”

