Press release -
It’s ready – this year’s programme at Elmia Wood!
With just over a month left until Elmia Wood, the programme has now been finalised. This year we see a stronger starting field than ever, featuring interesting speakers and debaters with a common focus: future innovation and sustainable forestry.
As the countdown continues there’s just over a month to go until Elmia Wood opens its doors this year on 2 June. Detailed planning is in full swing and the programme of the fair’s highlights is now final. With thousands of visitors expected from all over Europe, we’re looking forward to three eventful days in the fantastic and diverse forest of Bratteborg south of Jönköping. This year the focus will be on future innovation and sustainable forestry.
On hand for the three days of the fair will be moderator Ellinor Persson, known for being knowledgeable, clear and strong in her connection with the audience. She will lead a packed schedule of interviews and exciting debate panels from the heart of the fair, the Let’s Talk venue.
On 2 June the fair will be opened by Sweden’s Minister for Rural Affairs Anna-Caren Sätherberg. Day One continues with numerous exciting presentations. One of them is by Johan Börjesson of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, who asks: “How many times and for what can we use a wood fibre?” The day concludes with the timber marketplace Virkesbörsen giving a speech on “The timber trade – price trends and future prospects”.
One of the most important items on the programme for Day Two is entitled: “How important is the forest industry from a climate and socioeconomic perspective?” The question is debated by Swedish politicians Mattias Karlsson (Sweden Democrats Party), Ulf Kristersson (Moderate Party), Isak From (Social Democratic Party), Jakob Olofsgård (Liberal People’s Party), Birger Lahti (Left Party) and Annie Lööf (Centre Party).
In another programme item, Magnus Berg of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation will give a historical review and also a future prediction about the importance of the forest.
On the last day of the fair we will meet representatives from various parties in the Swedish Riksdag debating the topic “How should Sweden’s forest owners think and act now and in the future?” Sharing the stage with Ellinor Persson will be Isak From (Social Democratic Party), John Widegren (Moderate Party), Jakob Olofsgård (Liberal People’s Party), Mats Nordberg (Sweden Democrats Party), and Maria Gardefjell (Green Party).
A number of the talks will be given in English. Examples include: “Ownership – managing or conserving”, which includes the speakers Tomas Lundmark from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Sven Erik Hammar, chairman of the board of the Confederation of European Forest Owners. Another talk is entitled “What can the forest resource be used for and how long will it last?” with Pål Börjesson of Lund University and Johan Börjesson of RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. Dr Thomas Bökmann will speak on “The bark beetle and the choice of tree species – the changing climate”.
Other highlights of the fair include the prizegiving ceremonies for the Golden Logger and Golden Axe of the Year awards, which will be held on the first day of the fair.
The Golden Logger goes to a forest contractor who has stood out within the industry in an extra positive way as a role model and source of inspiration.
The Golden Logger is organised by the Forestry Research Institute of Sweden – the Swedish forest industry’s reearch institute – together with Elmia. The Golden Axe award goes to a forest owner who in their production forestry has put in some extra thought and voluntarily adapted their forest management practices to benefit nature values or social values, with the purpose of making the forest a place where both the forest owner and outdoor living pursuits can thrive. The winner is chosen by Elmia together with the journal Land Skogsbrukand the Swedish forest industry organisation LRF Skogsägarna.

This year’s programme for Elmia Wood is now final and features a very strong collection of interesting debaters and speakers.
On hand for the three days of the fair will be moderator Ellinor Persson, known for being knowledgeable, clear and strong in her connection with the audience.
If you want to book appointments for on-site interviews during the fair, it would be best to contact us now.
Don´t forget to sign up for the press event.
2 June 8.40–9.00 09.45–10.00 10.00–10.20 10.20–11.00 11.10–11.40 11.50–12.30 12.30–13.30 13.40–14.20 14.30–14.45 14.50–15.05 15.10–15.25 15.30–16.00 16.00–17.00 |
Official opening Opening ceremony on stage The Swedish Forest Agency’s mandates, 1975–2075 Development of forestry and the forest industry, 1975–2075 New values in the forest Challenges faced by forest contractors Innovation lunch How many times and for what can we use a wood fibre? The Golden Logger award ceremony How can you increase the timber value of your forest?
Contracts & leases for carbon capture The timber trade – price trends and future prospects |
Minister for Rural Affairs Anna-Caren Sätherberg; Agne Bengtsson, Elmia Minister for Rural Affairs Anna-Caren Sähterberg Johan Löfstedt, Communication Manager, Swedish Forest Agency Magnus Berg, Swedish Forest Industries Federation; Minister for Rural Affairs Anna-Caren Sätherberg Alexandra Holmlund, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Tomas Lundmark, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Johan Bergh, Linnaeus University Kolbjörn Kindströmer, Chairman, the Swedish Association of Forestry Contractors Forest Sense Johan Börjesson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Elmia Johan Hemmingsson, Biometria Elmia, LRF Skog, Land Skogsbruk Leif Brodén Virkesbörsen, ATL, Ludvig & Co, Handelsbanken, Swedbank |
3 June 10.00–10.20 10.30–11.20 11.30–12.30 12.30–13.30 13.30–14.00 14.10–15.00 15.20–16.00 16.10–17.00 |
How do we shape our future forestry Tomorrow’s forestry – 50 years into the future How important is the forest industry from a climate and socioeconomic perspective? Lunch – Tomorrow’s textiles with wood fibre Winners of Innovation Award Ownership – managing or conserving (in English) What can the forest resource be used for and how long will it last? (in English) Forestry economics – Performance & market prospects |
Nature conservation, hunting and forestry Södra Skog, Holmen Skog, Sveaskog Mattias Karlsson, Sweden Democrats Party; Ulf Kristersson, Moderate Party; Isak From, Social Democratic Party; Jakob Olofsgård, Liberal People’s Party; Birger Lahti, Left Party; Annie Lööf, Centre Party. Cecilia Tall, TEKO; Åsa Degerman, Södra Skogsägarna Elmia Wood council, Wood Sweden Tomas Lundmark, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Jessica Polfjärd, Moderate Party; Sven Erik Hammar, chairman of the board of the Confederation of European Forest Owners; Martin Kihlberg, Landshypotek Bank Pål Börjesson, Lund University; Johan Börjesson, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Johan Freij and Erik Backman, Danske Bank; Tina Lofthammar, Nordea Bank; Per Lindblad, Landshypotek Bank |
4 June 10.00–10.30 10.40–11.20 11.30–12.30 12.30–13.30 13.40–14.40 14.50–15.10 |
Bark beetle knowledge Equality and the forest How should Sweden’s forest owners think and act now and in the future? Lunch – Innovations in green industries The bark beetle and the choice of tree species – the changing climate (in English) Summary of the fair |
Göran Birgersson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Kerstin Dafnäs, Spillkråkan; Anna Schyman, NYKS; Fredrik Steineck, Stora Enso Birger Lahti, Left Party; Isak From, Social Democratic Party; John Widegren, Moderate Party; Jakob Olofsgård, Liberal People’s Party; Mats Nordberg, Sweden Democrats Party; Maria Gardefjell, Green Party. Per Frankelius, Linköping University; Cecilia Tall, TEKO Dr Thomas Bökmann, Forest Research Institute of Northwest Germany, Sven Erik Hammar, CEPF, Magnus Berg, Swedish Forest Industries Federation Anders Roman and Johannes Hansson, Elmia |