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Continued strong interest in Elmia Solar
A high quality of discussions and several new contacts made – this is how exhibitors and visitors sum up Elmia Solar. The fair has strengthened its position as a central platform for the industry to meet, exchange ideas, and find common solutions and collaborations.
“I am delighted to see that the industry thinks of Elmia Solar as its natural meeting place. Despite a tough market situation, as well as a troubled world generally, we have quickly become an established trade fair for a relatively young industry. We enable value-creating meetings between well-matched visitors and exhibitors,” says Elin Rickardsson, Business Manager for Elmia Solar.
Great interest in the stage programme
This year, Elmia Solar doubled the number of stages and programme items, and the fair’s two main stages offered a packed programme. On stage, visitors could find out the latest about current research, see concrete examples from companies, as well as new innovations in areas such as battery storage, smart control, safety and regulations. The programme was developed in collaboration with the fair’s partners: The Swedish Solar Energy Association, Renewables Norway, Glava Energy Center, and RISE – Research Institutes of Sweden. Elin Rickardsson explains:
“At the 2024 fair, there was a lot of pressure on the audience seating for the stage programme. So this year we decided to expand the programme and add another stage. We have a very interested target group and genuinely curious visitors, and they’re all hungry to expand their knowledge in the area – which is great, of course!”
Anna Werner, CEO of the Swedish Solar Energy Association, adds:
“Our member companies make it clear that Elmia Solar is the trade fair and forum that they think it’s most important to attend. We are noticing a strong interest in the fair, and it’s nice to experience the positive spirit among exhibitors, despite the challenges that exist. We had more new exhibitors this year, which means a wider range of products, services and solutions. At the 2025 fair we have seen more batteries, mounting systems and aggregators. This is clearly the place for knowledge sharing, and we’ll take this positive feeling with us and keep looking forward.”
International diversity of exhibitors
The three days of Elmia Solar brought together 122 exhibitors from 12 different countries. Both Nordic and international companies were represented. At the stands, visitors were able to see a diverse range of products and solutions – from solar panels, inverters and EV charging, to battery technology and battery services. Exhibitors included Aprilice, Enequi, JA Solar, K2 Systems, Fronius and Ecoflower, as well as Swedish companies such as Senergia, CC90, Composite, KanEl and others.
“There has been an incredible sense of engagement from the exhibitors, and they’ve really made the most of the fair as a platform event,” says Elin Rickardsson. “We are proud to have hosted Northern Europe’s shared meeting place for solar, charging, storage and installation. We look forward to hosting Elmia Solar again on 3–5 February 2026 – once again focusing on renewable energy.”
Elmia Solar brought together 122 exhibitors and attracted 3,182 visitors.
Elin Rickardsson, Business Manager Elmia Solar