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It’s take off time for the aerospace sector at Elmia Subcontractor

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It’s take off time for the aerospace sector at Elmia Subcontractor

The aviation and space flight industry is growing both in Sweden and globally. Within the next 20 years it is predicted that some 20,000 new airplanes will be built around the world, and the space flight industry is growing with new services for communication, positioning and Earth observation. This development brings with it new business opportunities for Swedish suppliers. But how do you become a supplier to the aerospace industry? Aerospace Cluster Sweden will supply the answers at Elmia Subcontractor.

The summer of 2018 was the hottest and driest in living memory, and thereby further underlined the necessity to conserve the planet’s resources. The aviation industry has long conducted research and development to reduce its own environmental impact. Old technologies are being phased out, opening the door for new opportunities and business deals. Electric drive, biofuels and lifecycle perspectives are just three fields where the aerospace industry needs new business partners.

“We describe it like a journey – you have to understand what you need to do and what changes are necessary, whether they are large or small,” explains Göran Berlemo, CEO of Aerospace Cluster Sweden. “This is an important insight and we try to help companies to make this journey – and a number of them already have.”

In essence, Aerospace Cluster Sweden is a network for all Swedish companies and organisations involved in the aerospace industry. Apart from major companies like GKN, Saab and RUAG, there are few Swedish suppliers to the aerospace industry. But there is considerable demand both in Sweden and globally for everything from companies that are good at baggage handling to components suppliers who can supply the major aircraft manufacturers.

“Switching over to becoming a supplier to the aerospace industry is not an easy investment to make, so you have to do some thinking first. That’s why companies need more knowledge about the industry, and they can get that from us,” explains Leif Johansson, Project Manager at Aerospace Cluster Sweden.

Much of this switchover is due to the industry’s high demands on quality and safety, and adapting to them requires both time and focused work. That said, if a company does succeed in meeting these demands, it has good opportunities to take off together with the aerospace industry.

“The demands are one barrier but after a company has overcome them, it is then better equipped to supply all its other customers who have high demands on quality and full traceability. And, of course, meeting these high demands will give a company access to a market that not everyone is competing in. Many Swedish companies, including SMEs, have good potential to satisfy the demands. Corporate management must take a strategic decision and then work must be done,” says Leif Johansson. He continues:

“Many airplanes will be built in the coming 20 years and there are many bottlenecks, some serious, in the supplier chain. Swedish companies can find a market in this sector and solve these bottlenecks.”

Göran Berlemo, CEO, and Leif Johansson, Project Manager, both of Aerospace Cluster Sweden, will be participating on the Direct stage on Thursday 15 November from 13:00–13:20 under the heading.

